TENS for Labor?

For most American women, pain management during labor seem very black and white. Either you get the epidural or you don’t. However, there are options between the two. One of those is a TENS unit.

this woman needs a TENS unit

What is a TENS unit?

TENS is an acronym that stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. A TENS unit is a small, handheld device that delivers electrical impulses to the user’s skin. These impulses reduce the nervous systems reception of other pain sensations, like contractions, and increase the production of endorphins.

What does it feel like?

Most women describe the lower settings feeling like “pins and needles”, comparable to when your arm or leg falls asleep. Everyone’s pain tolerance and perception is different, so experiences vary. For some women, the unit helps them reach transition with minimal discomfort, for others, it is only effective in early labor. Learn more here.

How is it used?

In early labor, your spouse or doula will attach the four adhesive pads to your back. You then turn on the unit, adjusting it to the lowest setting that is comfortable. Our specially designed maternity unit has a “boost” feature that delivers extra stimulation during a contraction. The intensity is completely controlled by the user.

What else should I know?

The TENS unit can be used with other pain reducing options. It’s a handheld device, so you’re free to move around and reposition yourself at will. You can also eat and drink while using it. However, you must remove the pads before using hydrotherapy, and you will discontinue using the device before any pharmaceutical options.

How do I get a TENS?

A TENS unit rental and one set of pads is included in your doula fee. Additional pads can be purchased as well. Our TENS unit is specially designed for use in labor. We recommend against using other units designed for postoperative and joint pain.

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